This is part of a triptych. That is such a pretentious phrase. The partners were produced on impulse. Thank goodness for “Photo shop”. They have not been included on this website but may turn up when the site is refreshed.
It is a pure coincidence the timing of the title of the picture and the synonymous film. The original I assure you takes precedent both in thought and deed.
I was an avid reader of comics as a child and became fascinated by the concept of the Numbskull crew. The idea that you were controlled by little people intrigued me. What if they were controlled the same way? It begs the question “Who watches the watchers” and the implications of Hilbert’s Paradox…then I needed to lie down.
The quality of the painting leaves a bit to be desired. It was produced using ball point pens, felt pens wax crayons and pencils. At the time it was all I could afford and really all I can still. It is so comforting to see the Arts supported by the prudent administration and proper disposition of the copious amounts of funding the taxpayer supplies.
I am pleased with the work even if it is a busy but unfocused piece. Geddit?
If you wish to purchase more than 10 copies of this print, please contact me via the contact page to request a quote.