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Art Gallery Comp

Welcome to this on-line gallery. It is a display of paintings produced over the last 30 years.

The site has been on-line now for over half a year. Over this period appreciation of the artwork displayed has been greater than was expected, phenomenally so!
On behalf of the authors of the web-site, thank you.

It has now become necessary to make revisions. In response to demand a Limited Edition section has been created. New work by the artist also has also been uploaded.

The web-site is an attempt to let as wide an audience as possible enjoy artwork, rather than restrict appreciation to cliques, the ignorant and a wealthy few. I hope at least some of you will agree the Art World is an elitist place.
It is quite divorced from the community yet makes desperate attempts to fit in. It appears foolishly convinced that any audience must have the merit and value of an art work decided by them. This web-site asks you to help debunk this myth. If you remember the parable of the Emperor’s Clothes maybe you can understand why?

It is hoped your visit to this web-site is an enjoyable one and if this is the case please express your appreciation by sending links to friends, colleagues and associates.
